The Bombay High Court was informed on Wednesday that Sinnar Police have issued a notice under Section 35(3) of the Bharatiya Nyay Sanhita (BNS) to Mahant Ramgiri Maharaj, who made inflammatory remarks last year that led to the registration of 76 FIRs across Maharashtra. However, the police have not arrested the accused, citing that the punishment for the alleged offences does not exceed seven years.
The statement, which targeted Prophet Mohammed, sparked widespread outrage and led to the registration of 76 cases against the Mahant in Maharashtra.
During the hearing, the petitioner, represented by advocate Ejaz Naqvi, argued that the police were showing undue leniency to the accused.
He contended that similar actions would have resulted in the arrest of others and requested that stricter charges of conspiracy be invoked.
Prosecutor submissions claimed that the contentious videos had been removed from social media platforms, but Naqvi challenged this assertion, maintaining that the videos were still accessible online.
The bench, comprising Justices Revati Mohite-Dere and Dr Neela Gokhale, noted that the investigation was ongoing and directed the police to provide a copy of the notice issued to the accused. The court adjourned the matter for four weeks to allow further progress in the investigation.
Mahant Ramgiri Maharaj’s controversial remarks were made during a program on August 15, 2024, which resulted in multiple cases being registered across the state. The cases were subsequently transferred to the MIDC Police Station in Sinnar for consolidated investigation. The transfer process is still underway.
In an affidavit submitted by Police Inspector PD Patil, it was revealed that 12 witness statements, including those of the event organisers and the individual who recorded the video, had been collected.
The affidavit stated that the video in question is being sent to the Forensic Science Laboratory in Nashik to confirm its authenticity. Additionally, efforts are underway to trace the individual who uploaded the video on YouTube by identifying the associated IP address.
The affidavit also emphasised that the investigation so far points to the involvement of Ramgiri Maharaj as the sole accused in the offences. However, steps will be taken to include the uploader of the video as an accused, pending verification of their identity.
The court was assured that all appropriate measures are being taken, including the preparation of a consolidated chargesheet for all the registered offences. The police have also issued notices to complainants to come forward and provide their statements.