Pongal is a four-day festival that is celebrated in the Southern state of Tamil Nadu. This is a festival that is similar to the north Indian festival of Makar Sankranti. Pongal is celebrated in the Tai month and is dedicated to the Lord Surya. The festival marks the movement of the Sun towards the North and also the transition of Sun from the house of Dhanu (Sagittarius) to the house of Makar (Capricorn).
This year, Pongal will be celebrated from January 14, 2025 to January 17, 2025. Each of the four days has its significance. The name Pongal is derived from the name of a dish of the same name that is made and eaten during the festival. The dish, Pongal is a mix of rice, milk and sugar.
The four days of Pongal are known as Bhogi Pongal, Surya Pongal, Maatu Pongal and Kaanum Pongal. Read on to know more about each of the four days of Pongal.
Bhogi Pongal
This is the first day of Pongal and it is known as Bhogi. On this day, people clean their homes and throw away old belongings. This signifies a fresh start. People also wear new clothes and decorate their homes.
Surya Pongal
This is the second day of Pongal and it is known as Surya Pongal. The Sun God is worshipped on this day. People make decorative floor patterns called kolam at the entrance of their homes. Every house cooks a pot of fresh rice with milk at an auspicious time. This is also the most important day of the festival. When the milk boils over the pot, family members shout “Pongalo Pongal!” The Pongal is then offered to the Sun God first and then people eat it.
Maatu Pongal
This is the third day of Pongal and is called Maatu Pongal. On this day, people worship the cattle (Maatu). Cows are bathed and then adorned with beads, flowers garlands and bells.
Kaanum Pongal
This is the fourth and last day of Pongal and it is known as Kaanum Pongal. On this day, families come together to strengthen their ties. They sit together to eat a sumptuous meal.
ALSO READ: Makar Sankranti 2025: Know the date, shubh muhurat and significance of the festival