Actor Akshay Kumar had reportedly left the Bigg Boss 18 sets on Sunday without shooting with Salman Khan. Akshay, with debutant Veer Pahariya, arrived on the sets of the show to promote their upcoming film, Sky Force. This led fans to speculate about the possible reason, questioning if Akshay left because Salman was late for the shoot. The actor, at a press meet in Delhi, addressed the matter.
Akshay Kumar finally spoke about why he left Bigg Boss 18 sets without shooting. Addressing the Delhi media, he said, “He [Salman Khan] was not that late. I had reached, yeah, he came a little bit late because he had some personal work. And then we spoke about it, and he told me that he was late for about 35-40 minutes.”
“And what happened was I had to leave. So then, we spoke about it, and I left, but Veer was there, so he shot with him,” Akshay added.
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Last night, Karan Veer Mehra took home the winners trophy and a cash prize of Rs 50 lakh. This season of Bigg Boss 18 was even called ‘The Karan Veer Mehra Show’, all thanks to his performance on the show. Recalling his journey, the actor shared that he always wanted to win.
“I have always aimed for the best, the top. It’s all about the luck of how things would shape later, but one has to hope for the best. Also, I have seen some really tough times, I have been insulted and asked for work from producers. I have even seen my friends getting more successful than me. But now, if my fans keep supporting me, I really hope to go far in life,” he told India Today Digital.
TV actor Vivian Dsena was the first-runner up of Bigg Boss 18.
With inputs from Trisha Bhattacharya
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