Actor Saif Ali Khan, who was stabbed six times by an intruder at his home in Mumbai’s Bandra West early on Thursday, took an auto to Lilavati Hospital, where he is recovering after surgery. The auto driver, Bhajan Singh Rana, gave a recreation of how he picked up the actor from his home and rushed him to the hospital in the dead of the night.
In an exclusive conversation with India Today TV, Rana detailed how he saw a blood soaked Saif Ali Khan, whom he couldn’t recognise initially, boarding his auto, along with his son Taimur, and a man in his 50s. Sitting in his auto, Rana showed and explained the route he took from the Satguru Sharan building, where Saif stays, to Lilavati Hospital.
“I was going when a woman shouted at me, ‘roko, roko, roko’ (stop, stop, stop). The woman told me to take a U-turn and come to the building gate. I stopped at the gate and I saw a man, who was soaked in blood. His kurta had turned completely red,” he said.
Rana, a native of Uttarakhand, said there were three people in the auto, and they were deciding which hospital they should go to. In the end, Saif Ali Khan, told him to take him to Lilavati Hospital.
“It was around 2.45-3 am and the road was completely deserted. We went from Bandra West to Turner Road. After that, we went to Hill road, passed through Chapel Road before we reached Lilavati Hospital,” he said as he described the route which he took.
“The child was sitting in the middle and he (Saif) was sitting to his right. I could not recognise him initially. I thought he was just a patient and had to reach the hospital as soon as I could,” the auto driver said.
When asked whether he saw the stab wounds of the actor, Rana responded that he saw one cut behind and another near the neck. “I did not see anything on the face. I could not see how deep the wounds were as he was soaked in blood,” he said.
The auto driver revealed he felt nervous while ferrying the injured actor to the hospital and said the police may have questioned him about the incident.
“I was little scared as I would be in trouble. Police would have asked me how I met him and how did this incident happen,” he said.
Rana said when he reached Lilavati Hospital, it was then he realised that the injured passenger was Saif Ali Khan, who was stretchered off inside the emergency ward.
“When he told the staff at the hospital to get him a stretcher and introduced himself as Saif Ali Khan, that is when I came to know about him. Having such a big superstar ferrying in my auto was a huge satisfaction for me. I am happy that we reached the hospital on time and his life was saved,” he said.
The auto driver said he did not take the fare given the circumstances and expressed his wish to meet the actor soon.
Saif Ali Khan is stable after undergoing surgery at the Lilavati Hospital after he received multiple stab injuries to his neck, stomach and back, including one to the thoracic spine.
Doctors have said that Khan is responding well to the treatment and is expected to be discharged in two to three days.
According to the FIR, the attack on Saif Ali Kan happened at around 2 am after the intruder entered the bedroom of the actor’s younger son Jeh. After a house help raised an alarm, the actor intervened, during which the intruder stabbed him six times.
CCTV footage of the intruder who stabbed Saif Ali Khan emerged, showing him entering the actor’s apartment in Mumbai at 1.37 am on Thursday, stealthily with a cloth covering his face. The intruder is seen wearing a T-shirt and jeans and carrying a backpack.
Another footage showed the attacker again captured on the CCTV at 2.33 am scurrying down the stairs. This time his face was clearly visible as the cloth (a red gamcha) was seen wrapped around his neck.
Mumbai Police have formed 35 teams to track down and catch the intruder.