Renowned choreographer and filmmaker Ganesh Acharya has announced his next project, Sirf Tum, a love story written and directed by Deepak Shivdasani. The film, which explores themes of love without reason, is set to begin production in April in Sydney, Australia.
Ganesh Acharya announces new film Sirf Tum; production to begin in April in Sydney, Australia
The Creative Minds Behind Sirf Tum
The film marks the collaboration between Acharya’s production company, V2S Production & Entertainment, and director Deepak Shivdasani. Shivdasani is known for his previous directorial work on films such as Baaghi, Gopi Kishan, Bhai, and Krishna.
Sirf Tum is being produced by Vidhi Acharya, with Soundarya Acharya serving as the executive producer. The project also acknowledges Boney Kapoor for his special contributions, as noted in the announcement.
Sirf Tum First Look Poster
The announcement was accompanied by a creative poster that offers a glimpse into the tone of the film. The poster is designed to look like a page from a notebook, featuring a hand-drawn illustration of a young man and woman facing each other. Both characters are holding a blue pen, their hands meeting in the middle.
The man, dressed in a hoodie with faint handwritten text overlaid on his figure, smiles gently at the woman. The woman, with her hair tied back in a loose bun and also surrounded by similar text, looks back at him with an equally soft expression. Their connection appears understated yet intimate, suggesting the themes of simplicity and purity in their relationship.
The title, Sirf Tum, is prominently displayed at the bottom of the poster in a clean font. The tagline, “Love has no reason,” hints at the story’s central premise.
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