Delhi police have arrested two individuals and seized 768.8 grams of heroin worth Rs 8 crores. The arrests were made by the Anti-Narcotics Squad of the South-East District during a targeted operation.

The accused, identified as Hamidul, an illegal Bangladeshi migrant, and Naseema, his maternal aunt, were arrested following a tip-off.

In preparation for the upcoming Republic Day and Delhi assembly elections, police officers were directed to remain on high alert to prevent organised crime. Acting on specific intelligence, the police conducted a raid in Jangpura Extension.


Hamidul was the first to be arrested during the operation. A search of his accommodation led to the recovery of 75 grams of heroin. Police registered a case at Hazrat Nizamuddin police station.

Upon interrogation, Hamidul revealed that his maternal aunt, Naseema, had supplied him with the heroin. Police conducted a search at Naseema’s residence, recovering 80 grams of heroin, but she was not present. Further investigation led to her arrest at a hotel in Sunlight Colony, where 693 grams of heroin were seized.

The total heroin recovered from the two accused weighed 768.8 grams.

Hamidul, 23, had been in India for three months and was unemployed. Police allege he entered the drug trade to earn quick money. No prior criminal record was found against him. Naseema, a resident of Sunlight Colony, previously worked for a news channel. Investigators stated she had no prior criminal history.

Police have stated that the investigation is ongoing.

Published By:

Akhilesh Nagari

Published On:

Jan 11, 2025