Former Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) national convenor Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday filed his nomination for the upcoming Delhi Assembly elections, contesting from the New Delhi constituency. In his affidavit submitted to the Election Commission, Kejriwal declared assets worth Rs 1.73 crore, revealing that he owns neither a house nor a car.
According to the affidavit, Kejriwal’s movable assets amount to Rs 3.46 lakh, including Rs 2.96 lakh in bank savings and Rs 50,000 in cash. His immovable assets, comprising a flat in Ghaziabad, are valued at Rs 1.7 crore. The affidavit highlights that Kejriwal has no investments in fixed deposits, shares, mutual funds, or insurance policies.
Kejriwal’s disclosure also shows a significant drop in his annual income over the years. For the financial year 2023-24, his income was Rs 7.21 lakh, a sharp decline from Rs 44.90 lakh declared in 2020. His income primarily comes from his salary as an MLA.
Meanwhile, Sunita Kejriwal, the AAP leader’s wife and a retired government official, declared total assets worth Rs 2.5 crore. Her movable assets include Rs 1 crore, comprising 320 grams of gold worth Rs 25 lakh and one kilogram of silver valued at Rs 92,000.
Sunita’s immovable assets, including a house in Gurugram, are worth Rs 1.5 crore. Her annual income of Rs 14.10 lakh-double that of her husband-comes from her pension as a former government employee.
Together, the couple’s combined net worth stands at Rs 4.23 crore, showing a steady growth from previous disclosures. Kejriwal had declared assets worth Rs 3.4 crore in 2020 and Rs 2.1 crore in 2015, indicating a consistent rise in wealth.
Furthermore, Kejriwal declared that he has 14 pending criminal cases against him.
Before filing his nomination, Kejriwal, accompanied by his wife, visited Hanuman and Valmiki temples to offer prayers. Addressing supporters, he urged voters to focus on the work done by his government rather than political rhetoric.
Kejriwal, who has represented the New Delhi constituency since 2013, will face stiff competition in the upcoming polls, scheduled for February 5, with results to be announced on February 8. The contest pits him against BJP’s Parvesh Verma and Congress’s Sandeep Dikshit.
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