Bollywood-turned-global icon Priyanka Chopra Jonas has added another feather to her cap by joining the Oscar-shortlisted short film Anuja as an executive producer. Directed by Adam J. Graves, the film focuses on a 9-year-old girl, Anuja, who works in a back-alley garment factory with her sister, Palak. The film, which premiered at the DeadCenter Film Festival, has already secured a spot on the 2025 Academy Awards shortlist in the live-action short film category.
Priyanka Chopra Jonas boards Oscar-shortlisted Anuja as Executive Producer
What is Anuja About?
Anuja tells a deeply moving story about childhood resilience and sacrifice. The narrative follows its young protagonist as she faces a life-altering decision that will determine her future and her family’s well-being. Produced by Suchitra Mattai, the short film collaborates with the Salaam Baalak Trust (SBT), a nonprofit supporting street and working children, and Shine Global, an organization renowned for its Oscar-winning films.
A report by Variety quoted Priyanka saying: “This beautiful film shines a spotlight on a subject that affects millions of children around the world, who are faced with the impossible decision between a future they cannot yet see and the immediate realities of their present. Anuja is a poignant, thought-provoking piece that makes us reflect deeply on the power of choices and how they shape the course of our lives. I am immensely proud to be associated with such a phenomenal and impactful project.”
A Star-Studded Team Behind the Film
Apart from Priyanka Chopra Jonas, the film boasts a strong lineup of collaborators, including Oscar winner Guneet Monga Kapoor as an executive producer and Mindy Kaling as a producer. The lead role of Anuja is played by Sajda Pathan, who drew from her real-life experiences of surviving on the streets of Delhi before receiving support from the Salaam Baalak Trust.
Director Adam J. Graves shared his gratitude for Priyanka’s involvement, saying, “She brings so much to the table not only as a world-class talent but as an advocate for the rights of children and girls across the globe. Her involvement will supercharge Anuja’s global impact.”
Producer Suchitra Mattai added, “Priyanka’s faith in the power of Anuja’s story means a lot to us, and we couldn’t be more thrilled to have her join our team.”
Priyanka’s History with Impactful Projects
This is not the first time Priyanka Chopra Jonas has lent her support to meaningful cinema. She previously executive produced the Oscar-nominated documentary To Kill a Tiger and the acclaimed Netflix film The White Tiger. Her association with Anuja aligns with her continued advocacy for social causes and her passion for storytelling.
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