Viswanathan Anand and D Gukesh showcased their acting chops in a new ad featuring the two world chess champions from India. The advertisement, a hilarious take on generational banter, portrays Gukesh in a ‘Gen Alpha’ avatar, while Anand plays the traditionalist, hilariously out of touch with the lingo of the social media age. The witty writing in the advertisement shines, as the chemistry between Viswanathan Anand and his protege, Gukesh, plays out brilliantly.
Viswanathan Anand tries to keep up with Gukesh’s style and lingo, even as the youngest world champion plans to get his iconic ‘King E5’ move tattooed. Anand, however, doesn’t miss an opportunity to remind Gukesh that he has four more world championship titles under his belt.
Anand also hilariously seeks Gukesh’s help to decode ‘GenZ’ slang, attempting ‘Skibidi’ (IYKYK) but ending up saying ‘Kabaddi’ instead.
The twist at the end is a treat, as Viswanathan Anand fully embraces his inner ‘Vishy’, mimicking Gukesh’s style and swagger. The advertisement, created for a popular e-commerce platform, has been widely shared on social media and is winning hearts for its clever humour.
The ad, shot for Myntra, ends with Viswanathan Anand reminding Gukesh that he needs to be addressed ‘Vishy Sir’.
D Gukesh became the youngest world champion after beating Ding Liren in the World Championship match in Singapore in December 2024. Gukesh is part of the WestBridge Anand Chess Academy, co-founded by Viswanathan Anand.
Gukesh, who is a big fan of Magnus Carlsen, idolises Viswanathan Anand. The teenager from Chennai has often spoken about the impact that Anand had in his career.
Earlier in January, Gukesh enjoyed his time at Viswanathan Anand’s residence as India’s chess champions gathered for Pongal breakfast at the legend’s place in Chennai.
Gukesh’s dreams, he said, were fueled by Viswanathan Anand’s loss to Magnus Carlsen in the World Championship match in Chennai in 2013.
“11 years ago, the title was taken away from India. When I was watching the match in 2013, I was inside the stands and I thought that it would be so cool to be inside the box,” Gukesh said in the press conference after winning the title last year.
“When Magnus won, I wanted to be the one to bring back the title to India. This dream that I had more than 10 years ago is the single-most important thing in my life. There’s nothing better than doing this for myself, my loved ones and my country,” Gukesh added.