Actor Urvashi Rautela, who was trolled for her remarks while talking about the attack on Saif Ali Khan at his home on Thursday, has issued a “heartfelt” apology. She admitted that she was “ignorant and insensitive” when she talked about her “diamond-studded Rolex” and her film Daaku Maharaaj’s box office while commenting on Saif’s attack during an interview.
The 30-year-old actor wrote in a now-deleted Instagram post, “Dear Saif Ali Khan sir, I hope this message finds you in strength. I am writing with a deep sense of regret and a heartfelt apology. Until now, I was completely unaware of the intensity of the situation you are facing.”
Urvashi mentioned that she feels “ashamed” for being “consumed by the excitement surrounding Daaku Maharaaj and the gifts I was receiving, instead of pausing to acknowledge and understand what you are going through.”
She continued, “Please accept my sincerest apologies for being so ignorant and insensitive. Now that I know the gravity of your case, I am deeply moved and want to extend my unwavering support. Your grace, dignity, and resilience during such a challenging time are truly admirable, and I have nothing but immense respect for your strength.”
Saif was attacked by an armed burglar at his home during the early hours of Thursday. He was stabbed six times by the attacker. The actor was taken to Lilavati Hospital, where he underwent surgery and is now recovering.
Further in her statement, Urvashi offered “help and support” to Saif as she ‘deeply regretted’ her behaviour.
She stated, “If there is any way I can be of help or support, please do not hesitate to let me know. Once again, I am truly sorry, sir, for my earlier indifference. I promise to do better and to always prioritise compassion and understanding in the future.”
Urvashi, in an interview with ANI, had talked about her diamond ring and watch when she was asked about her thoughts on the safety of celebrities in the context of the attack on Saif.
“It is very unfortunate. Now Daaku Maharaaj has crossed Rs 105 crore at the box office, and my mother gifted me this diamond-studded Rolex, while my father gifted me this mini watch on my finger, but we don’t feel confident to wear it outside openly. There is this insecurity that anybody can attack us. Whatever happened was very unfortunate,” said Urvashi.
Her remarks didn’t sit well with many on the Internet, and she was trolled on social media. An Instagram user wrote, “Urvashi just seems out of touch, seriously delusional kind.” Another user wrote, “Delulu is the new solulu. I wanna be as ignorant and self-obsessed as her. Maybe my life would be easier that way. Ignorance is bliss for her.”
A new picture of the attacker who stabbed the 54-year-old actor Saif Ali Khan has surfaced, two days after the incident took place at the actor’s house in Mumbai’s Bandra.
The Mumbai Police has formed 35 teams to apprehend the attacker, who has been identified.
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