Stacey Champagne, founder and CEO of a US-based cybersecurity company, triggered a debate online after sharing a LinkedIn post about her husbands zero achievements in 2024. As Staceys post went viral with mixed reactions, her husband Jesse Sciuto offered a clarification to explain the intention behind her post.
I had multiple clear-cut career accomplishments in 2024. My husband? Zero. No certifications. No college courses completed. No documentary features. No awards. How do you do that?! I asked from across the dining table. How are you able to go through a whole year without doing any of these things and be OK? He didnt have a response. There is so much to unpack and learn from an exchange like this, Stacey said in her LinkedIn post.
Specifically – whats standing in the way of MY ability to be content without conventional markers of accomplishment? My gut says that this is a question that many people, namely high-performing women, grapple with too. I dont have an answer, she added.
Furthermore, she explored deeper questions about personal fulfillment and societal expectations, asking her network: Could you go a year without a single new certification, interview, award, promotion, and be OK with yourself for it? Would you think of a colleague, direct report, manager, friend, or spouse differently for not doing so?
Meanwhile, in the comments section, several users criticised Staceys remarks as dismissive of her husbands efforts, while others applauded her for confronting a universal struggle with societal pressures.
Amid the online uproar, Staceys husband, Jesse Sciuto, stepped forward to clarify her intent. In a detailed response, Jesse explained: I’m Stacey’s husband. Hi. First off: the point of Stacey’s post is that she approves of my lack of quals/certs and wishes she could reach my level of zen. One of the best parts of the Navy is that they have told me exactly what they value and what they want me to achieve, so I already did all of that. I’m dual warfare qualified, have a STEM Master’s, and I’ve completed all qualifications and requirements for my current rank and the next rank.
Jesse described how his Navy career provided clear milestones and goals, allowing him to focus on personal growth in other areas. He also said how he spent 2024 learning his new role as a communications officer, improving his fitness, and enjoying hobbies like cooking, which he said had freed Stacey to excel in her demanding career.
Im the most content I have ever been, Jesse wrote, adding with a touch of humour, Getting CISSP this year though.
The backlash, in fact, also prompted Stacey to respond with an explanation: Also nobody asked how this conversation came about. I was writing a year-in-review note to include with the candles we make for our family and friends. I asked him if he had anything he wanted to highlight, he said no. I gave a couple of my examples, and the answer was still no. This was not a spur of the moment dinner conversation where I exploded with harboring resentment for a lazy husband. For the many of you who seemed to have assumed such, reflect inward.